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Star Trek

The Star Trek universe is bigger than ever with Discovery, Picard, Lower Decks, Strange New Worlds, Prodigy, and new Star Trek movies are on the boldly going into the future. Here's all the latest Star Trek fans news, casting, episode reviews, and critical breakdowns beamed down in one place for fans.

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Star Trek’s first-ever musical episode divided the Strange New Worlds cast

To boldly go...

Star Trek: Discovery’s final season has more portals, more baddies, and more David Cronenberg

Star Trek history was made and Strange New Worlds barely cared (which is great)

Star Trek: Strange New Worlds’ season 2 premiere is free on YouTube

Strange New Worlds solved Star Trek’s trial episode problem

Star Trek has never known exactly what Klingons look like, until now (maybe)

Star Trek: Strange New Worlds is upending canon for its new engineer

The best new Star Trek show is free to watch on YouTube

Star Trek: Resurgence launches in May

Picard season 3 is great for me, less great for Star Trek

Picard says goodbye with a mysterious hint at Star Trek’s future

Michelle Yeoh officially returns to Star Trek for Section 31 movie

Where to get the Star Trek: The Next Generation 4K movies

Star Trek: Starfleet Academy officially a go at Paramount Plus

Star Trek: Legacy deserves a chance to exist

Picard season 3 is becoming a finale for ’90s Trek, and might just save the show

The best Riker episodes of Star Trek, without question

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What Worf really meant to Star Trek legend Michael Dorn

Michael Dorn’s Klingon officer is Star Trek’s MVP

If every franchise needs a kid, at least Star Trek: Picard does it well

Star Trek: Picard season 3 trailer gets the whole Next Gen gang back together

Deep Space Nine was great because it was Star Trek’s problem child

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Star Trek has truly reinvented itself

The sci-fi franchise is all TV these days, and there’s something for (almost) everyone

Star Trek: The Wrath of Khan is getting an official prequel — in podcast form

Evil Wesley Crusher is coming to the Star Trek MMO

Star Trek: Picard season 3 teaser reunites the Next Generation crew for one more mission

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Star Trek: Lower Decks sets its parody sights on Deep Space 9 in new trailer

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Star Trek: Strange New Worlds and Lower Decks crews will meet in a crossover event

Strange New Worlds robbed Pike of the power of his sacrifice

How Strange New Worlds built the next great Star Trek villain

After 50 years, Captain Pike got the Star Trek show he deserves

The Star Trek Book of Friendship dives deep into Picard and Riker’s eternal bro-bond

Star Trek: Picard’s third and final season will reunite Next Generation cast

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